Our history
The story of the Montiqueijo factory begins with the love of Ludovina and Carlos Duarte, who, as soon as they got together, found their destiny in cheese.
Although the Montiqueijo company was set up in 1987, the origins of the business date back to the 1960s, when Ludovina Duarte and Carlos Duarte focused on the so-called “activities of the saloia region”: horticultural production, raising animals to collect milk and consequent cheese making..
Ludovina, desde muito cedo, levava um cesto com os produtos da horta e da queijaria para Lisboa para vender nas casas onde recolhia a roupa para as lavadeiras. Foi assim que tudo começou. Porém, na década de 80, a produção passou a centrar-se apenas na área dos leites e queijos.
Know more
Em 1999, a Montiqueijo deu um grande salto qualitativo e quantitativo, que levou à criação de uma empresa dedicada exclusivamente à produção de leite – a Agroleite. This estate is located in Montijo and has an area of cultivated fields and an area where the barn was implemented. It was also around this time that the Montiqueijo factory grew and moved to new facilities. In the new facilities, new and sophisticated technical equipment was purchased, with the most recent technologies existing in the sector. Atualmente, a direção das duas empresas está a cargo dos seus filhos: Dina Duarte, que lidera a Montiqueijo, Hélder e Edgar Duarte, que estão à frente da Agroleite. In 2016 the company launched a range of fresh cheese and curd cheese in honor of founder Carlos Duarte. The Mestre Queijeiro range has on its packaging a realistic illustration of Carlos making the cheeses, recalling the beginnings of the company.
Montiqueijo Group
The Montiqueijo Group is now made up of 2 companies, Agroleite – milk production unit – and Montiqueijo – cheese producer. With these two companies, the Montiqueijo Group asserts itself as a differentiator by controlling its product from the beginning, monitoring the production line in all its phases. This is how it stands out for its quality and food safety control.
The company currently has around 1500 cows that produce around 30,000Lt of milk daily. One of Agroleite's main concerns is animal welfare, which is why a set of measures has been developed to ensure the tranquility and balance of the animals. In the barn there is music, a massage machine, cooling systems for hot days and 24-hour veterinary support.
Another fundamental point is, without a doubt, animal nutrition. Therefore, from an early age, the company also dedicated itself to growing cereals that are part of the cows' diet, with organic farming. Feeds are formulated at Agroleite based on the needs of each animal.
Daily, fresh milk is collected and taken in tanker trucks to the Montiqueijo factory to continue the cheese production line.

Currently, Montiqueijo is one of the main Portuguese brands producing fresh cheese, curd cheese and cured cow's cheese. Every day, Montiqueijo receives fresh milk that it pasteurizes and transforms into a variety of cheeses.
Recognized for the quality of its fresh cheeses and curds, Montiqueijo is proud to be the only brand in Portugal that produces its cheeses from scratch, maintaining its traditional production method for over 30 years.

We take care of everything
The Monqueijo group controls the complete circuit of its production:

Our Mission and Values
Montiqueijo's mission is to be one of the main Portuguese cheese producers, with a presence from north to south of the country and across borders, recognized for the quality of its products. To this end, it manufactures high quality, nutritionally balanced dairy products, ensuring the creation of value and the sustainability of the business.

Consumer needs and desires.

Passed down from generation to generation.

In equipment and launching new products.

Patent on production investment.

Most important feature of your products.
Company Policy
• Ensure the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of its customers and consumers, producing products that ensure compliance with agreed legal requirements, quality, food safety and authenticity;
• Promote effective and transparent external communication with its customers, suppliers, authorities, sector associations, among others, so that Montiqueijo, due to its tradition combined with innovation, continues to play an active role in the food chain where it is inserted;
• Promote a Food Safety Culture with effective internal communication among its employees, on the application of Good Hygiene and Food Safety practices in the production of safe food;
Ensure the Company's sustainability and continuous improvement at an economic, environmental and social level, ensuring:
• Business profitability;
• The efficient use of resources;
• Active presence in the social environment in which it fits;
• Training for your employees on the assessment and management of professional risks to guarantee safety, hygiene and health conditions at work and the development of activities related to health promotion.

Põe-te na Linha
We developed this partnership with nutritionist Maria Gama, as we have always believed in her “Põe-te na Linha” project, which combines dietary balance with exercise, as essential tools for our well-being. Over time we have been developing projects together – a connection that has borne many fruits!
Association of Professional Cooks of Portugal
The partnership we have maintained with the Association of Professional Cooks of Portugal has allowed an exchange of very interesting knowledge and experiences. We have the privilege of having contact with “future great chefs” and at the same time being part of the kitchen of masters of the profession who manage to combine simplicity with art, transforming our products into fantastic delicacies.

Too Good To Go
With our connection to Too Good To Go, our Zero Waste policies gained new contours. This partnership promotes, among consumers, new ways of embracing sustainable values.